Inactive Life Annual Dues
  • Inactive Life Annual Dues

Inactive Life Annual Dues

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Life Members must be at least 65 years of age and have been a member of the AFM for at least 35 years.
Inactive Life Members voluntarily accept the following restrictions to membership: they may not perform musically on competitive engagements, run for Local office, nor vote in Local elections. In accordance with the Locals Bylaws Article 1, H.

Life Members must be at least 65 years of age and have been a member of the AFM for at least 35 years.
Inactive Life Members voluntarily accept the following restrictions to membership: they may not perform musically on competitive engagements, run for Local office, nor vote in Local elections. In accordance with the Locals Bylaws Article 1, H. Inactive Life Membership, Section 2. "Applications for Inactive Life Membership must be made in writing/email to the Secretary/Treasurer for approval" So make sure as a member you let us know that you are ready for Inactive Life Status.

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